Friday, March 10, 2017

Washington DC-The White House

Today we toured the White House. Our tour was arranged thanks to an aide named Christina in Congressman Doggett's office. It was the first day of White House tours under the Trump administration. Our tour began at 11:30. President Trump came out and surprised the first tour group of the day. But we didn't see him.

We entered through the East Wing on the ground level. There were portraits on display and a China cabinet. We could also peek outdoors.

On this level we saw the Library which is used for teas, meetings and press interviews.
Next was the Vermeil Room where portraits of more recent first ladies are on display.

Last room on this level was the China Room. Here is a permanent display of tableware and a beautiful portrait of Grace Coolidge.

Then we walked upstairs. First was the East Room used for state dinners, receptions. concerts and weddings. Lincoln and JFK laid in state here.

Next stop is the Green Room. This is a parlor. The silver coffee urn belonged to John and Abigail Adams. The French candlesticks belonged to James and Dolley Madison. This is the view from this room.

This is the Blue Room used for receptions. James Monroe furnished this room. Grover Cleveland was the only president to get married in the White House and it happened in this room in 1886.

The Red Room is a parlor where First Ladies meet guests. This is the view from this room.

Then we came to the State Dining Room. They can seat up to 140 people at round tables in this room.

Then we were in the hall or entry at the front of the building.
Here was my favorite picture of JFK.

We then exited the front door of the White House.

Here's a view from outside the fence.

Sorry this got long but I loved this tour.

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