Friday, March 10, 2017

Washington DC-Day Two

US Capitol

 The ceiling of the rotunda.

Library of Congress

Air and Space Museum
That's a model of the first dog to sail to Antarctica. He's my hero. I want to sail to Antarctica so very badly!

National Archives
Saw the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. No pictures allowed. A staff member told us that they stopped picture taking in 2010. It has helped preserve the life of the documents. One flash from a camera or phone was equal to the document sitting out in direct sunlight for 24 hours.

Pentagon Memorial
 A view of the memorial looking away from the Pentagon.
 A view looking towards the Pentagon. There was a bench for each person who perished in the attack. Around the perimeter was a wall with date plaques. Each plaque represented the birth year of victims in that row. The oldest was 1930 and the youngest was 1998.

 Each bench has the victim's name on the edge and if they were at the Pentagon that day, the bench faces the building.
 If they were on the plane, the bench faces the direction the plane was coming.
 If there were family members, each member has a bench in the row signifying his/her birth year but also family names are listed in the water pool beneath the bench.
We have now been to all 3 memorials for 9/11. Each one is beautiful but I especially like this one.

More to come from our last day in DC.

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