Saturday, March 25, 2017

Beautiful Florence-longer version

With several days in Florence, we were able to see quite a lot. Here are the highlights.
Day 1-
San Lorenzo Church, sits on the site of the first Christian Church in Florence. The Laurentian Library was designed by Michelangelo. Manuscripts were stored here and scholars would come and read on the benches.

Mercato Centrale-look at all these interesting things to eat.

The Duomo-Gothic cathedral built in the middle ages left undone with a hole in the roof. Brunelleschi topped it with a dome in the 1400's.

The Baptistry-oldest building in Florence, famous for its bronze doors that took Ghiberti 27 years to complete.

The Bell Tower-270 ft tall, 414 steps to the top. The view was amazing.

The Duomo Museum-houses the original bronze doors of the Baptistry and these 2 favorites of mine. Mary Magdalene  by Donatella and Pieta by Michelangelo.

The Accademia, home of the famous David sculpture by Michelangelo. 17 ft tall, 12,000 lbs made from a slab of marble that others thought was too tall, shallow and flawed.

Day 2-
Day trip to Pisa-had to make the trip to see the Leaning Tower.

A movie-Beauty and the Beast in an old theater with chairs and carpet from the 20's. They even stopped the movie half way through for a 5 minute intermission like the old days.

Uffizi Gallery-the best collection of Italian art. Here are my favorites. The birth of Venus by Botticelli, the Holy Family by Michelangelo and The Adoration of the Child (I forget the artist).

Piazza Michelangelo and views of Florence.

Our time here has come to an end. Off to Venice.

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