Friday, March 3, 2017

Virginia Beach

We spent a couple days here in Virginia Beach. The temperature is very the 50's and very windy. A lot of places down here on the waterfront are still closed till later in the month or April. There is a really nice boardwalk with tons of cool sculptures.

This was something to do with aviation.

King Neptune-34 ft tall, weighs 12.5 tons
Dolphins are 17 and 15 ft
Loggerhead turtle is 11 ft long
Octopus is 8 ft
Virginia Beach law enforcement memorial.
This street sign  was interesting.

You can workout on the beach. If a person was so inclined. Not sure why you'd want to when there's so many other better things to do.
The peace pole links the community with people internationally.
There were no horses here today but I guess horseback riding on the beach is a choice
The Norwegian Lady stands here to wish all a safe return from the sea.
I loved this idea.
Famous Virginians were remembered here, such as James Madison, George Patton, Thomas Jefferson, Ella Fitzgerald, Alan Shepard, Pocahontas, Robert E Lee, Katie Couric, Woodrow Wilson, Edgar Alan Poe.
Great cake donuts.
Onward to the Washington DC area next.

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