Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Washington DC-Day One

We were in DC for 3 very busy days. Here are the places we visited on day one and the highlights of what we saw.

African Art Museum

A beautiful pool on center atrium, a necklace and amulet case by a Somali artist, a helmet mask from Nigeria, and a beautiful piece of artwork called Contact made from cowhide from Swaziland.
A doll from South Africa and a woman's head gear used to wear very heavy earrings.

American History Museum

The flag outside the Star Spangled Banner exhibit.
Jackie Kennedys State Dinner dress on the left. Michelle Obama Inaugural gown from 2009.

Picture of George Washington, his uniform and the top hat Lincoln wore the night he went to Fords Theater.

Updated presidential display.
Photo and the lunch counter from Woolworth in Greensboro, site of the student sit in.
Dorothy's ruby slippers
Martha Washington's China, Lincoln China,  and a display of the presidential china.
Barbie inventor, Bert and Ernie, a fun Price is Right game where you try to price items from different eras, Chairs from All in the FamIly, Lego Statue of Liberty, Ali's gloves from 1974.

Natural History Museum

A giant squid, believed to be a 2-3 year old female, 36 feet long.

The Hope Diamond-45.52 carats

American Portrait Gallery

Some of my favorite sculptures and portraits

On display at the Art Gallery that I love.
Stay tuned for more...

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