Saturday, October 29, 2016


Our BIG plans for Saturday involved a surprise. Watch this video.

Originally we had planned to try to get to the Carolina coast for a week or two but Hurricane Matthew changed those plans.  Had we gone to the coast, we would not have gotten back to Austin till mid November.  There were lots of other places we could have gone as substitutes for the coast but ultimately we both decided we wanted to head back to Austin to see the kids.  I wouldn't say we are tired of traveling.  I'd say we missed our family.  So here we are! Back in Austin!

For those of you wondering, we will be here until the first of the year. We have rented a condo up near the Domain to be near the kids. Then we will head out again for more adventures.

FYI...I have at least one more post about our travels that I will be making until I take a break for awhile.

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