Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Fame Withdrawal

What's the saying? Everyone gets 15 minutes of fame? Well it 15 consecutive minutes? Yesterday afternoon LW and had about 30 seconds, maybe a minute, of fleeting fame when we attended the Jimmy Kimmel Live show. During a commercial break, Jimmy talked with us and we shared our story about retirement travels.  If you watched last night's airing of the show, you might have seen us briefly talking to him. A portion of our conversation showed up about mid way through the airing just after a commercial. I looked on the ABC website and rewatched the show but that clip was missing. Hopefully Lauren recorded the show so we can see it again when we get home in November.

Afterwards, Jimmy handed us a prop he had used when he was talking with Jennifer Connelly.

Maybe your opportunities for fame are deducted from the 15 minutes and can be cashed in at different times throughout your life time. Kinda like a  bank account or piggy bank. Yesterday we  just withdrew a minute from our fame accounts. I guess we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. How cool that you not only got to see the show, but actually speak with Jimmy Kimmel!
