Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Side Trip

Part of our thoughts going into this year of travel included the willingness to be flexible and go with the flow. Today was a perfect example of that. We woke up in Chattanooga, TN and had hotel reservations for this evening in Nashville.  Our original plan was to explore Nashville.  But as we investigated what to do, we decided that since country music is not a favorite of ours, we weren't too excited about our options. Then we thought about spending the day in Chattanooga since the weather is beautiful. But that wasn't really what we wanted to do either...
Then we talked about Atlanta, GA. It is only 2 hours away. We could knock out another presidential museum (Jimmy Carter) and we could also see the MLK Jr. Historical Site. So that's what we decided to do...Atlanta. Here are some photos from our side trip. Now we are headed back north and west to Nashville for the night.

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