Monday, June 29, 2020

Tour de Texas-Lajitas Area

Sunday we drove from Alpine to the border town of Presidio.  Saw this lovely church in Presidio as well as a few interesting rock formations along the way.
established in 1683

profile of Abe Lincoln

Elephant Rock

After a quick lunch, we stopped to explore Ft Leaton National Historic Site.It is a reconstructed fortification that was a trading post on the old Chihuahua Trail from 1848-1884.

Saw these 2 at Ft Leaton

LW doesn't realize it would have taken 10-12 oxen to pull this carreta.

Then we stopped in Big Bend Ranch State Park to check out the HooDoos & Balanced Rocks and to hike down Closed Canyon. Highway 170 is a beautiful drive that hugs the Rio Grande River.

Not a great picture but that's the Rio Grande River.
Finally we arrived in Lajitas at the Lajitas Golf Resort where we are staying until Thursday.
Boardwalk at the resort

Sign in front of Mayor Clay Henry's cage.  He's a goat.

These signs are posted all around the resort.

Today we drove into Big Bend National Park, visited Terlingua GhostTown, and spent time at the resort pool.

Saint Inez Church in Terlingua

Tomorrow we are going into Big Bend EARLY to do a little hiking before it gets too hot.

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