Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Chisholm Trail Park

After moving to Round Rock in April during this pandemic, we decided last week to venture out to the Chisholm Trail Park down the street.  Here are pictures from our visit to the park.
This sculpture depicts the pioneer woman and boy.  The woman is Hattie Cluck, who along with her family, was among some of the first people to travel on the Chisholm Trail, herding cattle to market in Abilene,Kansas.  Hattie did this trip while pregnant, with her husband and three children.  When she and her family returned to Williamson County, they settled near Running Brushy, later known as Brushy Creek.The pioneer boy is Emmett Cluck, one of Hattie's kids.  He was five years old when they went up the Chisholm Trail.

A settlement near Brushy Creek and a round rock was springing up due to tales of a low water crossing and this area would soon become one of the most famous markers along the Chisholm Trail.

Other sculptures at the park.

Here is a picture of the water in Brushy Creek at the park and a tree I found interesting.  Couldn't quite tell if it was one tree or two.

This sign was posted near the water.
It was a very nice little park.

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