Thursday, July 2, 2020

Tour de Texas- Big Bend National Park

We've spent the better part of the last three days exploring Big Bend National Park and the surrounding area, both through hikes and through drives.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from this area. We did see a kangaroo rat and a young bear but my camera wasn't ready in time. Also LW claims he saw a tarantula crawling across the road at one point today but he also thought he saw a bear which turned out to be a cow. So who knows!?

critter crawling along the road

dead snake in the middle of the road-Western Diamondback

sunrise on Tuesday



Our view from the restaurant at Lajitas.

sign posted in a yard in Terlingua...

Mule Ears

The Rio Grande River...I'm standing on the bank on the US side...just so you know.

Roadrunner visiting us at dinner.

Santa Elena Canyon & the Rio Grande

This morning we got loaded up and ready to leave Lajitas to head for home. When LW checked us out, they told him Big Bend National Park was closed due to a person in the residential community testing positive for COVID 19. Luckily we weren't planning on spending the day in the park but we did miss out on driving through the park as we left the area. Oh well. We will be back home later today. I have a post I want to make of all the different plants I've seen on this trip to the desert  ountains of  west Texas. I'll do that later today with any pictures I might have forgotten. 
Until then...

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