Friday, April 20, 2018

The Last of Amsterdam

I am back home in Austin and Mom is back in Phoenix.  Just a few more pictures from our trip that I found interesting and then that will be it for this adventure.  I had a great time and I believe Mom did too.  So here are the last photos.
Someone is having a birthday!

A water fountain

A bride at the Keukenhof Gardens

 Yes that is a car on top of the houseboat.  There is also a dinghy up there.

Stacks of cheese

                                                             I loved this dog's ears.

 This played music similar to a jack in the box.  He had a tin can collecting coins.
 Saw this the first day from the taxi.  Unfortunately never got back to try it.

Paddle boats on the canal

The official boy with his finger in the dike.

This Santa was sitting on the edge of a house boat.

                       This says something about doing the poo tour and
                       discovering what poo can do.

Lovely matching shoes for him and her and a matching bag.

I think that is pretty much it.  I hope you enjoyed being a part of our adventure to Holland.

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