Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Painting Fun

Today, our last day in Amsterdam, we went to a painting workshop at the Dutch Costume Museum. Here they have a variety of Dutch costumes or clothing on display. Supposedly there is a village in Holland where they still wear this type of clothing. We received instructions on the dot painting technique they used and we were set free to paint a black tote bag. The first one is mom's bag. The second is mine.

Here are some examples of the clothing. I remember reading that some of the hats or headpieces the women wore had 17 parts and used up to 60 pins.

Later we met my cousin Dianne for dinner in Vondelpark. This park is like New York's Central Park. We sat outside at a restaurant and had dinner while visiting, catching up on our families, and laughing about memories of growing up, especially at our grandma and grandpa's farm. Dianne lives in Atlanta and we haven't seen each other in probably 20 years. She was in Amsterdam for work this week.

Crazy how life works!

Headed back to Houston in the morning. Will spend the night there Thursday and mom will fly back to Phoenix on Friday morning. Then I will head back to Austin. I've had a fabulous time and I think Mom has enjoyed it as well. Hope everyone has enjoyed following along with us on our adventure.

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