Friday, April 13, 2018

Blooming Flowers Everywhere!

Warning:  Flower Picture Overload Coming!
For Day 2 we went on a tour to a bulb farm and then on to Keukenhof Garden in Lisse. Our tour guide spoke four languages fluently and gave all information in all 4 languages: English, Spanish, Dutch, and French.  My brain was exhausted just listening to her.  I can only imagine what her brain felt like at the end of her day. Here are few facts she shared with us today.

  • Holland grows 10 billion bulbs every year.
  • Bulbs grow best in sandy areas near the coast.
  • Bulb farmers cut off the heads of the tulips once they bloom so that all the energy of the plant goes back into growing the bulb.
  • Summer is the peak time for bulb growers.  The bulbs are cleaned by hand after being removed from the ground and then sorted by size. Then they are exported to over 100 countries.
  • Keukenhof Garden has over 7 million bulbs planted in 2-3 layers.
  • 3.5 million of those bulbs are tulips.
  • Each year there are different designs in the gardens.
  • There are 3000 different kinds of tulips in Holland.

These pictures were taken as the coach drove along.  Hyacinths, daffodils, and a few tulips.

Here are pictures from the bulb farm.

And here a "few" pictures from the gorgeous Keukenhof Garden.

 The tulips in the photo below where one of my most favorites. Red Purissima

One of the pavilions at the Garden hosts a cut flower show each week.  This week it was roses.  Here are my favorites.

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