Monday, April 16, 2018

A Visit to Zaanse Schans

Just outside of Amsterdam is a small village called Zaanse Schans.

Today we had a  private tour with a costumed guide named Ingrid.  She lives here and provides personal guided tours dressed in authentic costume.  She took us to see the pewter maker where we were able to see how they take melted pewter and put it in a mold to make a spoon. The spoon circled in red was made while we watched.

Then Ingrid took us to see the clog maker.  As you walk in there is a display of different clogs.  Here are a few.  The first picture is a clog for horses.  Ingrid said that clogs did not originally begin in in Holland.  They were first used in southern France.

The we watched as the clog maker created a new clog made from the block of wood he is holding in his hand.

Ingrid invited us into her home, which is an original home from the Zaanse area.  As she shared information about the home and the background of the area, we enjoyed a cup of lemonade.

Ingrid took this picture of us with the windmills in the background.

After we left Ingrid, we checked out the cheese shop before heading back to our van for the ride back to Amsterdam.  Following some lunch, I retired mom to the hotel room and I went to see the exhibition called "My Name Is Prince" that is traveling the world.  Unfortunately you could not take pictures.  There was concert footage and displays of outfits, albums, song writing notes, guitars, awards, and many other cool displays.  I learned many new things about Prince from the exhibit:  He is only 1 of 2 people to ever have a #1 song, #1 album and a #1 movie all at the same time.  He loved the Batman tv show of the 60's and that theme song is the first song he learned to play on the piano.

The weather was beautiful and it was another fabulous day in Amsterdam.

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