Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Florida Keys...

Immediately following our cruise we spent a week in the Florida Keys. We rented a lovely condo in Marathon in the middle of the Keys.
On our way to Marathon we stopped in Key Largo at the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. We had a little picnic lunch. While we lunched we had a visitor. This squirrel came right up on the table and got very close to our food. I believe had I held still long enough he would have stolen a potato chip. He was really not afraid at all. Unfortunately that means people have been feeding him.

After our lunch LW and I decided to try kayaking. Neither of us has done this before. We rented a double kayak and got some instructions about which trail to take and set out with a map. The map however did little to prevent us from making a few wrong turns and at one point getting stuck in a mangrove tunnel, in which we had to make a forced turn around.

But the most exciting thing (dangerous), was when we were almost run over by a yacht. I was in the front of the kayak and LW had been reminding me: use the left oar to go right, use the right oar to go left.  Ok I get it.  We were just coasting along no big problems when we saw this yacht coming towards us. I suggested we move to the left to get out of its way. LW started rowing with his LEFT oar....this was making us go to the right headed straight for the path of the yacht. By the time he realized it, and we started rowing with the right oar, we barely missed the tail end of the yacht.

On Tuesday we spent the day at Sombrero Beach in Marathon. The high temperature was around 86. Besides the weather, the water and the sun, it was a fun day people watching. I especially loved watching these three young girls from Argentina. Not sure of their ages but I overhead one say she was 19 and they were here for 3 months doing something. Here they are near the waters edge but mostly they just laid or sat on the beach talking in Spanish to each other.

I loved watching all the guys as they walked past these girls.  Some didn't even look, others glanced their way and still others couldn't tear their eyes away. This guy walked past them, staring, several times and then found this spot to sit where he continued to look at them from a distance.

This guy was braver. He walked by, waved and then came back and plopped down beside them. He immediately introduced himself. They told him their names, with heavy accents. He said something about their names sounding European. One of the girls corrected him and said they were from Argentina. He asked their ages, what they were doing here and told them they looked great. BTW, he was from Indiana, here visiting his father and much older than them. They were way out of his league. He tried hard to keep a conversation going and the girls were polite but clearly not interested. They continued to talk in Spanish amongst themselves. I almost wanted to help them by intervening with an offer like "it's time to go girls." Eventually they told him they had to leave, they gathered their things and walked off the beach.

The only bad thing about this beach was every now and then you would see a Portuguese man o war floating in the water.

Wednesday we went to Key West. Had lunch at Island Dog Bar and tried conch fritters. Not my favorite.
Then we spent a few hours on Smathers Beach in Key West. Seeing this man and his bathing suit, I tried to convince LW we should get one for him to wear but he wasn't interested.  Ha! Ha!

People are so much fun to watch!

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