Saturday, February 4, 2017

Puerto Rico

Indulge me in a short story...
One year when I was teaching first grade in Arlington, I had a cute little boy named Jorge in my class. His family was from Puerto Rico and that year his mother brought me a bottle of Puerto Rican eggnog for my Christmas gift. He had the most adorable way of saying Puerto Rico, that cannot be replicated here. But both of my good friends, Paula (Byrd) Allen and Wendy Rathgeber can copy his little accent perfectly. Anyway, ever since then I've always wanted to visit Puerto Rico.

Our cruise stopped here in San Juan on Thursday. We chose not to take an excursion because I had heard you could walk all around Old San Juan. So that's what we did.
We came across this park filled with pigeons. There was a wall with holes just big enough for a bird to sit in. A kid came and started feeding them . They obviously knew that he would because they flocked to him even before the food came out.
Next we visited the Cathedral de San Juan. This cathedral is home to the crypt of Ponce de Leon.

Old San Juan is home to 2 forts which are a US National Historic Site/Park. First we explored San Felipe.

Then we walked to the other end of Old San Juan to explore the fort called San Cristobal.

 Other pictures from our walk around Old San Juan.
Pina colada was invented here so of course I had one.
I loved Puerto Rico!

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