Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Chocolate for Valentine's Day

Chocolate is perfect for Valentine's Day, so we visited The World of Chocolate. On the tour, our guide gave us background information about the cacao plant. Did you know cacao is a fruit? Yep. So now you can feel good about eating chocolate...getting your fruit servings in.

He told us chocolate was for the rich back in the day. Queen Anne of France is reported to have drank 8-12 glasses of hot chocolate every day. Maybe it's how she was able to double her life span.

We saw these machines. The first looks like a giant kitchenaid mixer. The second is used to coat the candy like in I Love Lucy. The round one was used for putting chocolate coating on things like M&Ms.

Then we got to see these world landmarks made from chocolate. All of these were made in Austria. The Eiffel Tower broke when they moved buildings last year.

Finally, the best part, was tasting different kinds of chocolate bars. We also had a little hot chocolate.

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