Friday, February 24, 2017

Charleston, SC

We began our visit in Charleston, SC by taking a horse drawn carriage tour with Palmetto Tours. Our guide, Van, was very interesting. He explained the history of Charleston as well as a lot about the architecture. Here are pictures of some of the things we saw.
 Plenty of cobblestone streets remain.

 Several of the churches. Charleston's nickname is the Holy City because of the number of steeples seen in the skyline.

 Interesting things seen in windows.

 The arrow points to the remains of a seawall that went around Charleston. That is actually the top of an 8 ft seawall.

 Just thought it was cool how these pictures turned out.
A sign on the bench at the carriage company.

Then we went to visit Fort Sumter where the Civil War began. There was a visitor center near the river but you had to take a boat ride out to the island where Fort Sumter is located. Here are pictures from our trip to Fort Sumter.

 Displays at the visitor center. That's a quilt used to help slaves with the underground railroad. The square box is an old ballot box.

 You can adopt a cannon if you so desire.

 I was standing outside the fort. LW is in the white t-shirt at the top of the fort where the arrow is pointing.

The flag that was flying over the fort when the Civil War began.

I loved the city Market area which is an open area with vendors and the painted row homes.

 Vendors were selling sweet grass baskets at City market and all over South Carolina.

Charleston is a lovely city.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

A Few Laughs

Some of the things in Savannah that made me chuckle...

At the laundromat...seriously, why do they have to post this? Has someone done this before?
Some things at the Savanah Welcome Center.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017

Fun in Fernandina Beach

  Beach is on Amelia Island in Florida and we have been here a couple days now. This has a great beach with great shelling. The temperature here is a little different than what we have been experiencing lately. It was 45 when I woke up this morning for my walk on the beach and the high was 72. And the residents are saying it is unusually warm this year.
This is a nice little town and we have had some fun. Last night we went to dinner at Tony's PizA and Pasta and it just happened to be trivia night. So of course we stayed and participated. it was general trivia and we didn't fare too well.  But we had fun and met some people from Iowa and the Midwest.

Today we took a trolley tour of town. We saw the house that was used for the Pippi Longstocking movie. I love Pippi Longstocking! 

We also saw a house that was ordered from a Sears and Roebuck catalog in the early 20's. It came in pieces with everything you needed for inside and out and a 300 page manual to tell you how to put it all together for about $2000. I had heard of that before but never seen an actual house.

Then we went to play putt putt at Island Falls. Since I always lose, this time I said the winner had to buy ice cream.  Ha, see what I did there?  Of course LW is going to win, he always wins. So he will have to buy.  And he did win, even though I think he tried to throw the game on the last hole.

While on the trolley tour we passed a street sign that I just had to take a picture of....can you see why?  It's even spelled correctly!
Fernandina Beach is definitely a place to come back to in the future.