Saturday, September 29, 2018

A Visit to North Carolina

An unexpected trip to North Carolina, allowed me a bit of sight seeing.

The cloud cover as I looked out my window on the way to Raleigh Durham airport.

Some cool flower sculptures at the Burlington City Park.

The historic Alamance County courthouse in Graham.

The original courthouse bell and a little sculpture nearby.

One of the things I love about this area is the beautiful brick buildings.  Check out the Graham Presbyterian Church, founded on December 8, 1850.  Gorgeous!

One day I drove to Asheboro and went to the North Carolina zoo.  Here are pictures from that trip.

elephant sculpture at the entrance

Umm..I like all my animals in cages or behind fences please.

I love this photo.

This one too.

I kept waiting for this snake to attack something.

In downtown Graham on Sunday, a company called Dock Dogs was putting on a performance/contest.  This dog's name is Jon Snow.  The height of the dog's jump is measured.  This was Jon Snow's personal best jump- 24 ft 4 inches.

Despite the sad reason for getting me to North Carolina (my aunt's passing), I had a great time seeing, hanging out with, and visiting with my North Carolina cousins.  We cannot let funerals be the only times we see each other.  I'll be back soon!  Love to my family in North Carolina.

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