Sunday, June 4, 2023

On the Road Again

 The JnL Roadshow has been on hiatus what with moving to Iowa and buying and remodeling a new home.  But have no fear, we are on the road again exploring Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, southern Minnesota and northern Iowa on a three week adventure.

We left Oakland Iowa (our new hometown) on Thursday, June 1, 2023 and drove our truck and trailer to Lake McConaughy State Recreation Area near Ogalla, Nebraska. Our niece JJ, her husband Cody and their son Ben met us there with their trailer for a three night stay. We shared meals, made s'mores, sat around the fire pit, and spent time at the beach.   During this time we made a lot of memories and laughed and enjoyed hanging out with each other. LW even earned a new nickname from Cody due to the fact that he has a bad shoulder right now and can barely use his arm.  Ben, who is five, loves his great uncles new nickname, Broken Wing, and even created a song about it. 

Today we are headed to Spearfish South Dakota. More to come.

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