Sunday, June 10, 2018


Today we made a few stops in Virginia.  First was the Booker T Washington National Monument.  It is located on the site of the Burroughs Plantation where Booker was born and became a free man.

Then we walked through Natural Bridge State Park.
Natural Bridge is 215 feet high, 40 feet thick, 100 feet wide with a 90 foot span between walls.  It is estimated to be over 500 million years old.  George Washington was on assignment to survey it and decided to scale the creek side.  He got about 20 feet up and supposedly carved his initials in the wall.  No one knows for sure but there is a GW in the square on the second picture.

Later Thomas Jefferson bought the bridge from King George III and the area around it (157 acres) for 20 shillings.  After his death it was sold to help resolve some of his massive debt.  It went through several owners until becoming a state park in 2016.  As we walked through the park toward the Lace Waterfall, here is some of the flora and fauna we observed.

Can you see the spider in the web in the above picture?

At the far end of the park is Lace Waterfall.  It is 50 ft tall.

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