Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Civil Rights Tuesday

Tuesday we stopped in Birmingham, Alabama at the Civil Rights Institute.  Across the street is the 16th Street Baptist Church which was the sight of the bombing in 1963 that killed 4 little girls.  On the other corner you can find the Kelly Ingram Park which was the home to many demonstrations in Birmingham during the Civil Rights Movement.
Here we are in front of the Civil Rights Institute.

Statues from the Kelly Ingram Park.

One of the displays inside the Institute showed a classroom for white children and a classroom for black children.  Notice the difference in desks and supplies.  Also notice the pictures hanging on the wall in each classroom.

Another display-a KKK robe and hood and the plaque beside it.  It reads "Anonymous Donation."  I thought that was interesting.

Read this carefully.  Near the bottom a sentence stuck out to me....about purchasing supplies...Guess not much has changed in education...cause I know we all purchase most of our classroom supplies.

Another bit of interesting information.

Displays about the church bombing.  That's one of the stained glass windows from the church.

The statue of the little girls.  One is reading the book with a poem from Yeats.  
Picture of the church.

My favorite portrait of MLK Jr 

 This guy painted with his hands.
 This is what he created.

 To end this post....a favorite quote by Nelson Mandela

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