Friday, September 9, 2016

Annual Father-Daughter Game

Labor day weekend hosts the annual father-daughter weekend when LW and Lauren attend the Husker opener.  This year was a little different in that we were already here in Iowa/Nebraska.  Lauren flew up for the long weekend arriving late Friday night.  Even though the game was not until 7 pm, a tailgate party started around 11:00 on Saturday in Lincoln in the stadium parking lot.  I have not been to a tailgate party or Husker game in years, so I drove down to Lincoln to participate in the fun that they call "tailgating." After eating the last brat and hanging out for a while, some of us went for a long walk to check out the stadium. Shortly after returning to the tailgate, and just before the gates opened, the  rain began.  It rained... and rained... and rained.  There was talk about packing up and leaving.   There was standing around huddled under the tents.  There was moaning and groaning about the rain. There was debating about who wanted to go to the game, who would want to leave early if it continued to rain and who was just going back home to watch in the comfort of a dry home. Tailgate supplies were packed between bursts of showers. I wasn't going to the game in the first place so I ended up hitching a ride back home with family.  The ticket holders finally were able to emerge from the tents and attend the game once the rain completely stopped.  Bonus:  Huskers won 43-10!

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