Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Letter From the Mazda

Dear Interstate Road Debris,

Was that really necessary? I was just going along minding my own business, delivering J and L to their next destination.  What had I done to you? Throwing a piece of tire tread up into my path is not very nice. You cracked my front bumper and tore up my protective covering underneath. Did you realize I am brand new? Did you know I'm far from home? Did you care? Obviously you are not concerned with any of that. Now I've got to sit at the repair shop in Davenport for a few days and miss out on all the fun sightseeing that J and L are doing in the area. When I'm all better, I'll be moving on. You'll still be laying back there, probably seeing if you can find someone else to wreak havoc on. Good luck! You picked the wrong car to mess with cause I'm not going to let a piece of road debris stop me from seeing the country. The J and L Roadshow must go on.


The gray Mazda 3 you met on I-80 in Des Moines on Sunday

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