Friday, August 26, 2016


Jennifer here. Just in case you can't see me. Cause the wait staff at Cantina Laredo obviously can't. When we walked in they took us to a table on the patio per our request. It's a beautiful night in Branson. We sat there waiting for 15 minutes. No one brought chips. No one asked about drinks. No one even looked our way. They checked on tables all around us but not a single sign of acknowledgement. Finally I got up and went to the hostess and asked if a server was assigned to our table but by the time I returned it had started to sprinkle and LW had gotten up and was moving undercover. A waitress saw us looking for a new table and helped.  I'm a very patient person when it comes to waitstaff. I've never held that job and never want to.  So you know if I was not happy ....
Having magically appeared, we ordered drinks and queso.  Soon our drinks arrived as did our queso. But still no chips. We waited and waited and waited. Finally I asked a busboy if he could get us some chips. LW wanted to leave. But I have an issue with leaving after I've already ordered my food and consumed some of my adult beverage. So...I guess we were wearing our invisibility cloaks this evening. What would you have done?

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