Wednesday, August 24, 2016

First Stop-DFW area

So we got as far as the DFW area yesterday. LW played golf with a buddy (Little Pro) while I visited a few shops.
One of my goals during our travels is to visit the presidential museums. So we stopped at the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum in Dallas. It is well worth the stop. Not only were there interesting things to see and read, it was also very interactive. My favorite was a replica of the oval office. The traveling exhibit, The Making of a President, was also interactive. Below are a few pictures from our visit. Later we had dinner with one of our favorite families...The Bogars.
Today we are moving northward.

 The moment Bush was notified of the 9/11 attacks.

Beams from one of the Twin Towers.

 An election carpet identifying all of the elections, who won and their parties.
 My campaign poster.
Preparing to give his acceptance speech.

 The President hard at work.
George W. Bush always signed his sharpies.

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