Monday, July 11, 2022

It's Coming Together

Well, things are finally coming together and I feel like we are getting close.  Here are a few updated pictures.

Living room carpet is in and window is framed.

Dining room and kitchen flooring is in.

Kitchen cabinets are in.

We decided to hang this blue shiplap in the kitchen.  We had a guest  "contractor" here over the 4th of July who learned how to use a nail gun to hang shiplap.

Then we ran into a small problem...wood rot.  So we have re-evaluated our current plans for the breakfast nook area.  Wait till you see what we came up with for this spot.

I really wanted to get something "fun" done, so tonight we hung my coffee mug racks.  I plan to hang all the fun mugs we have on these hooks.

We are working hard to try to finish.  I'll post again when we have more to share.

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