Thursday, July 1, 2021

Summer Camping Adventures Part 2

Part 2 of our adventure, has us traveling from Caballo Lake State Park in NM to Springerville, AZ to stay for a few days in the same RV park as my parents.

On our way there we encountered a thunderstorm that dumped tons of rain and even some tiny hail on us. One town we drove through, Magdalena, New Mexico, had deep water running downhill at every intersection. They got enough of the tiny hail that it gathered on the ground and looked like snow. My picture is not good but maybe you can kinda see it.  Crazy!!

Once we arrived in Springerville, my parents were waiting for us. They helped us get the trailer backed in and we started to get it set up. But we had a little incident.  After getting it up on the leveling blocks on the driver side, LW went to unhook the hitch. When it came loose from the ball of the truck, the trailer rolled backward and sideways and fell off the leveling blocks. It bent one of our stabilizer jacks. It still works. It was a little scary, especially since mom was sitting inside the trailer to get out of the sun. But she was ok and the trailer is ok. Just another learning experience.

While here I have helped mom and dad with a few things, the boys played golf in Show Low AZ, we have played cards, gone out to eat, shopped, done laundry, and just enjoyed being with each other. I last saw them in January of 2019. We were scheduled to come visit in the summer of 2020 but had to cancel due to the pandemic, so it's been too long and a much needed visit.

We also did a balloon release in honor of what would have been my brothers 50th birthday.  (There's a post on FB about this release.)

Here are few things we saw in Springerville...a yard full of metal art, an old cemetery, and the historical village.

Wednesday we went to the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert.

Petrified wood

Petrified wood

Painted Desert Inn

See the petrified wood log up on the top?

Thursday morning we  pack up and head out for Williams Az on our way to the Grand Canyon.

Stay tuned for Part 3.

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