Saturday, June 12, 2021

Houston June 2021

 After leaving LB's house in Fort Worth, I drove to Houston to meet up with LW, who was attending a conference there.  After checking in, I found the pool while I waited for LW to finish for the day.

The next day while he finished up at the conference, I went exploring.

First I found Water Wall Park.

Next  I drove past the Beer Can House. Can you imagine having this house as your neighbor?  I guess there are no HOA rules about covering your house in beer cans.

Then I found these giant Beatles statues at a trailer food park but the gate was locked so I didn't get very good pictures.

Near there was Graffiti Building.  Here are a few of my favorites.

Last I went to the Houston Zoo.

After the zoo, it was time to pick up LW and head for home.

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