Friday, April 7, 2017

Here We Come

We are back in the States and headed for Austin. We haven't been in Austin since we left on January 9.We should be there in a couple days. We will stay at an extended stay hotel till the 25th when we will begin moving in to our new apartment. Yep! We've rented a place in North Austin and will be settling  down, a little bit. We still plan to do a lot of traveling but maybe not for long periods of time like we've been doing. We have enjoyed our travels but have missed the kids.

This last leg of trip was amazing. Lots of beach time, some beautiful places and three weeks spent in Italy with a side of Paris. But I'm tired and want my own place to sleep, shower and hang out. Also hungry for some Cafe Java and Texas Honey Ham.

But I'm sure I'll get restless soon and be ready to go somewhere else. Well actually I know we will be going again soon...a graduation in Iowa, LW'S  bowling tournament in Vegas, and a cruise with the kids to celebrate our 30th anniversary.

Hope to see all you Austin people soon.

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