Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Holocaust Museum Houston

On our way from Port A to New Orleans we made a quick stop in Houston at the Holocaust Museum. Couple of interesting things...
1. This small museum was founded by survivors who moved to the Houston area.

2. The docent who gave us the tour was in her twenties and explained that her grandfather ( a loving, kind man who raised her), was a big fan of Hitler's. They had pictures of Hitler in their house and items with swastikas. She did not realize how horrible Hitler was till she wrote a report on him in third grade and was expelled.

3. They had a train boxcar that was used to transport Jews.

4. They had a  Danish fishing boat that was used to smuggle Danish Jews away.

5. There was a display with dirt from several of the well known concentration camps.

6. There was a movie called "Voices." Survivors were telling their stories but we ran out of time and didn't get to see it.

As all Holocaust museums are, this was a very moving experience.

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