Friday, July 8, 2016

ummm...this happened today

Well, here we are...move out day.

On Thursday we moved our remaining belongings into storage. First we donated and gave away things we did not want to hang on to any longer.  Then we stored the things that we wanted to keep for the future.  We stored some of it in a storage closet on Michael's deck and the rest went to a 5 x 10 climate controlled storage facility.

Today we cleaned the now empty apartment.  It looks almost as good as when we moved in one year ago.

Then we went downstairs and turned in our keys.  Goodbye IMT @the Domain.  It has been a great year!  We might be back in a couple of years.  (If you are looking for a great place to live, we would highly recommend this place.  Tell them we sent you.)  Now we are officially "homefree."

Tomorrow we head to Port A for 2 weeks of beach time.  I can't wait!  We'll be back in Austin at the end of July, until we "officially" begin our journey August 24th.  In the meantime if you need to send us any mail, contact me and I'll give you our new mailing address.


1 comment:

  1. Have lots and lots of fun! I can't imagine doing this and can't wait for your updates! Wishing you safe travels and many great adventures!
