Friday, July 15, 2016

Day Tripping to Corpus Christi

Usually when we come to Port A it is for 2-3 days max and I want to spend as much time as possible at the beach.  But this time, we will end up being here for 2 full weeks. So we have decided to check out a few other things.  We took a few day trips into Corpus Christi.  First we went to the USS Lexington and the Texas State Aquarium on Tuesday.  Both of these places are definitely worth a visit if you are in the area. Here are a few pictures from those two sites.

Walking the plank
Walking the plank

I touched this!

And this!

Shark eggs

Dolphin show was great fun!

On Wednesday we went to Padre Island National Seashore to picnic, enjoy the sun and beach. It was not very crowded, there were covered picnic tables and we got to use our America The Beautiful National Parks Pass for the first time.  But alas, no shells.

Thursday night we rooted for the Corpus Christi Hooks minor league baseball team as they took on the Frisco Roughriders. But sadly they lost.  However it was a beautiful night to watch baseball and we had a great time.
Now we wait...for Lauren to arrive and spend a few days enjoying the beach with us.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Port Aransas...The Beach...

For those of you who know me, you know the beach is my favorite place to be.  Something about the sand, the sun and the surf calm my spirit.  I feel more centered.  I feel as if everything will be ok. Walking the beach, looking for shells and other interesting items or lounging in my chair could go on all day if allowed.  The beach is my happy place.  But it doesn't have to be Port A, although I do enjoy this small town.

Over the course of the next year, you'll see that beaches and water will play a significant part in where we go and what we do.  So here's a toast to my love of the ocean and the beach.  (A new drink...Big Red margarita)

First Stop...San Antonio

Saturday morning, being newly "home free," we headed out for a two week stay in Port Aransas. We decided to make a stop in San Antonio to check out their zoo and have lunch at Casa Rio on the Riverwalk. Here are a few of my favorites from the zoo.

On to Port A....

Friday, July 8, 2016

ummm...this happened today

Well, here we are...move out day.

On Thursday we moved our remaining belongings into storage. First we donated and gave away things we did not want to hang on to any longer.  Then we stored the things that we wanted to keep for the future.  We stored some of it in a storage closet on Michael's deck and the rest went to a 5 x 10 climate controlled storage facility.

Today we cleaned the now empty apartment.  It looks almost as good as when we moved in one year ago.

Then we went downstairs and turned in our keys.  Goodbye IMT @the Domain.  It has been a great year!  We might be back in a couple of years.  (If you are looking for a great place to live, we would highly recommend this place.  Tell them we sent you.)  Now we are officially "homefree."

Tomorrow we head to Port A for 2 weeks of beach time.  I can't wait!  We'll be back in Austin at the end of July, until we "officially" begin our journey August 24th.  In the meantime if you need to send us any mail, contact me and I'll give you our new mailing address.
