Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Southfork Ranch

 While visiting with the Bankstons one weekend, LW and I went on a little adventure.  We went all the way out to Parker, TX to tour the Southfork Ranch, home of world famous bad guy JR Ewing from the tv series Dallas.

When we first moved to Texas back in the mid 80's, we drove past the ranch but hadn't been back since then.  This was really a treat for LW since he was (and probably still is) a huge JR Ewing fan.

Lucy Ewing's room

Young Bobby Ewing's room

The gun that shot JR

Sunday, August 8, 2021

College Station 2021

 On one of his last Fridays off, LW and I decided to head to College Station to visit the Bush Library and Museum, the last of the presidential museums on our list.

Now to wait for the museums of the most recent presidents to be built and open to public.