Thursday, December 31, 2020

So We Did an Exciting Thing To End 2020.....

 2020 has been a b**** in so many ways. Not to lessen any of the other losses this year but we lost the ability to travel. Not only did LW and I have to cancel several planned trips, Lauren and I had to cancel our two week trip through Germany and boy did that hurt.  So to end 2020 and hopefully allow for some future travel, we went out and bought this....

It’s a 2021 Grand Design Imagine XLS 22 ft travel trailer and of course we needed a truck to pull it.  I’m driving the truck on a daily basis. It’s a 2018 Ram 1500. I love driving it cause I sit up high and have always loved sitting up high in a vehicle.

We’ve completed our orientation and first night in the trailer and all went well. We decided that it was a lot of new information to take in and remember so we thought we should practice on our own right away so as not to forget anything. So we brought it home today, prepped it for the weekend and then will behbe to a campground in Spicewood for the weekend on Friday. Today we hooked up the trailer to the truck and undid everything in the cold and rain.  So I think if we can do it in that weather, we should be good for the better weather expected this weekend. We are also going to take Benny and see how he likes it.

We also decided that when LW is done working, we would travel the country with this trailer instead of how we did it in 2016-2017 in our car. I’m really looking forward to our short outings in our new trailer over the next year or so.  Watch for more about our adventures soon!