Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Three Weeks and Counting

In less than 3 weeks, we will move out of our apartment and become "homeless" or as I have heard others call it "homefree."  Soon we will begin our golden gap year, our year to explore and travel the world, our year to be senior gypsies...although I'm not sure "golden" and "senior" are words I feel best describe us at this time.  Or maybe they do and I am in denial. I like what  Jo Carroll, author of Over the HIll and Far Away, says:  A grown up gap year is a glorious interruption in life's predictabilities. That's how I wish to view this.  And so here are a few reminders for the two of us as we get down to our final preparations before setting out.

  • The quality of the journey will depend on our ability to be spontaneous.
  • Positive attitudes are required.
  • I/We will allow for periods of free time.
  • We will take our time getting to our next destination.
  • We will stop at points of interest.
  • We will check out cafes, pubs, or other places locals hang out.
  • We will do things we have never done before.
  • We will get off the beaten path.
  • We will live less like a tourist and more like a local.
  • If given a choice between something safe and something we've never done before, we will take a risk and go with the new adventure.
(Actually these sound like good snippets of advice even if we were not traveling.) 
As I reread this list of reminders, my teacher mode kicked into gear and I had to go back and change all of the statements that had "won't, can't, don't" in them to positive statements. I guess you can take the teacher out of the classroom, blah blah blah....

Must go for now...boxes are waiting, memories to pack up for now while we go out and make more.
Stay tuned for more updates...